Thank You

This blog tells the story of Buffy, a rescue dog with a rare heart condition, who lived with us for a year.

Sunday 21 February 2010

I'm a happy dog!

I’m a happy dog! The weather’s getting better and we’ve started to get out in the garden again. There’s so much for me to do. There’s the chickens next door that I need to keep an eye on, and the pond – I don’t know what’s been going on round there during the winter, but my nose has to work overtime in that part of the garden. And I’ve got to get the greenhouse ready for my next crop of cherry tomatoes – they were a nice little treat every time I went in the greenhouse last summer, and not fattening!

If it’s cold I wear my coat just so that I don’t get too chilly, but I’m going to put in a request for two pairs of boots – my paws were freezing today!