Thank You

This blog tells the story of Buffy, a rescue dog with a rare heart condition, who lived with us for a year.

Thursday 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

Merry Christmas Everyone!
As you can see we've had snow. I was so interested in it that I just would not pose for the camera. I just kept sniffing around much to my peoples' annoyance! This one was the best they could get. Anyway, Christmas Day will soon be here, so I think they should be able to get a few shots of me opening my pressies!

Sunday 13 December 2009

Here I Go Again!

Damn tube, damn tit bits! Let me at it!

"Frustration is the compost from which the mushrooms of creativity grow."

Sunday 22 November 2009

My Biggest Adventure Yet!

I’m just back from my biggest adventure yet - I’ve been on holiday to Cornwall, Padstow to be precise. We’re not sure if I’ve ever been to the seaside before, but I took it all in my stride.

Here I am trying to decide on an ice cream!

There were loads of new smells to investigate – on the beach, in the pubs and especially outside the chip shops! It was great.

I had to take things easy, but that didn’t stop me having fun. I was a bit naughty (yes me!) because I slept upstairs, something I’m not allowed to do at home. I slept like a log – my snoring didn’t bother me one bit!
Me on the beach

My paw prints in the sand

Sunday 25 October 2009


I think I need an agent (anyone got Max Clifford’s number?). First there was my blog, then a video, I’m on Facebook and now I’m featured in the NAWT Christmas appeal! Wow, I’m famous! Who’d have thought it – I’m no pedigree, I have a dodgy heart and I was picked up by a dog warden! Just goes to show, everyone gets to have their fifteen minutes of fame. If it hadn’t been for my NAWT family none of this would have happened – I owe them big time! Now, can anyone recommend a good stylist?

Coming soon "How To Extract Tip-Bits Part 2".
Don't forget all the pictures here click to enlarge.

The NAWT Shop . . . . . . . . .

Friday 16 October 2009

I’m not a morning dog

Resting during an early morning  walk

Resting during an early morning walk

I’ve decided - I’m not a morning dog. The breakfast bit is worth getting out of bed for (full English would be better, but I’m not holding my breath on that one!) but it’s the morning walk I’m not too keen on. I get to the end of the drive, look around and think, no, not today thank you. I know I need to go, but I struggle with my walks so they have to be very slow, with lots of breaks for me to catch my breath and that’s not much fun now the mornings are getting darker. Sometimes I get carried home to make things easier for me because I’m having trouble breathing and my back legs have gone wobbly, but once I’m home I soon recover. I go for another walk in the afternoon and can’t go as far as I’d like, but at least I’m out in the fresh air and I can have a good old sniff around and sometimes bump into the neighbours. I’d like to be able to do the same as other dogs and go for long walks around the fields and chase balls, but can’t so I make the most of other things. I’m fine in the house and garden (as long as I don’t get over excited and end up collapsing!), enjoy quiet fun and games and get loads of fuss and attention, so all in all, life’s pretty good - even with a duff heart!

Sunday 4 October 2009

My Day Out

My day out in the Cotswolds
Well, it was more like a few hours really but I did
window shopping

people watching

and bird watching
but not much walking!

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Under the weather

Hello Everyone,

I’ve not made an update for a while because I’ve been a bit under the weather. It gets everyone worried in view of my condition so I went off to see my new vet. She checked me over and said that I might have an underlying infection. I left the vets with two lots of tablets and I think they are working as I’m pretty much back to normal now, although I’m a bit reluctant to take one of them. It’s a horrible little pink thing that I have with my food but I’m quite adept at eating around it. It has to be crushed up in something nice, little bit of peanut butter I think, to get me to eat it. The other tablet is chunky and nice; I have no trouble with that one. It’s for my heart apparently.

I keep being told to calm down and take it easy - boring! I’m still having fun though. Hunt the teddy (calmly!) is fun but my nose isn’t that good so I usually need a shove in the right direction! Now if they hid Schmackos …………

People reckon it’s a good job I didn’t have pups if the way I carry my teddy is anything to go by!

And I met the resident Hedgehog the other night – not sure who was the most surprised!

Anyway, thought you might like to see a few more photos of me.

Tuesday 25 August 2009


I love the car – you never know where it’s going to take you next! We went to somewhere called Sainsbury’s last week. They must trust me now ‘cause I was given the task of chief guard dog. Don’t know what I was supposed to do, but I sat and watched everything and tried to look important. Must have got something right because they said I was a good girl when they came back.

We’ve also been for a walk along by the river. It was great – lots of lovely new smells. There was lots of water but I decided not to try walking on it. It didn’t work when I tried it on the pond in our garden and I ended up with a wet foot. Reckon I need a bit more practice before I try that again!

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Just as I thought I’d got the routine sorted - three walks a day, two meals, play time, a few cuddles then hop into bed – they introduced something called ‘a weekend’.
Much as I love having people around, I do like having the mornings to myself. I think they got the message after I shot them a couple of black looks, so they went out. A girl needs her sleep.

I’m getting into fresh veg these days. Tomatoes and runner beans are good but you can keep the carrots thanks. But my best food discovery so far has been yoghurt! I licked the pot round ‘till it was clean and spotted the new one as soon as it came out of the fridge the next week. Now if they could grow that in the garden …….

Thursday 13 August 2009


Thanks everyone for all your comments on Facebook – didn’t think you’d all remember me! If it hadn’t been for everybody at the wonderful NAWT I would not be where I am today so love and licks to you all – you’re all brilliant!

I’m getting a reputation in my new family for liking cuddles (especially on laps). Now, as you may know, I’m banned from sitting on sofas, so anyone wanting me to sit on their lap has to sit on the floor. Brilliant! Now honestly, what’s the logic in having comfy sofas and then cluttering the place up with a dog basket?

A couple of times recently I’ve thrown myself to the floor when on a walk – but don’t panic friends – it’s not medically related! Not sure if anyone’s noticed yet but, by pure coincidence of course, it happens just where I’m most likely to see cats. Clever or what?

Tuesday 11 August 2009


Here are a few
photos of me
at my new home.

On a walk

Watching chickens!

Sunday 9 August 2009

My first week

Hi all

Well I’ve been here for a week now and I’m pretty much settled in.

settled in

I met my new vet on Thursday and she seemed horrified when she first heard about my condition but I was happy to let her examine me and have a good long listen to my heart. When she'd finished she said that with good exercise management I should be fine. She also said that I was lovely (but I already know that!) which is something coming from a professional!

I've been learning some new tricks and games and I'm getting good at high fives - I even taught the girls next door how to do it. And I've gone off tortoises - not enough action for me. I've moved onto chickens and how lucky am I - there are some in the garden next door! I spend ages with my nose pressed against the reed fence, peering through the gaps at them. Beats watching TV.

I’ve been on a trip to the local woods. This was apparently to help me get used to travelling in the car. It worked! I’ll travel in the car any when if we’re off to the woods! Wonder where else this car might take me, I’ll let you know.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Well I’ve been at my new home for a few days now and I’m getting things under control – don’t know how they managed before I arrived.

Good journey ‘home’ - just sat and took everything in and didn’t make a sound. I’ve checked out every corner of the downstairs of my new home and as they go, it’s not a bad kennel. I’m not allowed upstairs and I was told I was a good girl the other day because I didn’t follow someone upstairs – why would I want to do that when I had the kitchen sofa to myself! I’m having a bit of a battle over the sofa at the moment ‘cause I think I should be allowed on it but they have different ideas. Reckon they might win that one. I’ve had one victory though. I had to sort out a pig ornament in the living room when I first arrived - it kept giving me odd looks so we had a staring competition and I won. I also won the competition with its relation in the garden. It’s all sorted now though - they know I’m boss.

Got told I was a good girl for not making a fuss on my first night, so decided to have a little moan each night before I settle down, but it’s not worth keeping up for long as nobody comes to see what’s wrong. (I think I heard them laughing at my voice – cheek!) Might just as well snuggle down in my nice comfy padded basket. (Haven’t chewed it yet, may save that for a later date.)

I’ve got a couple of new hobbies – cooking and gardening. I don’t actually do the cooking - I’m Chief Supervisor. As soon as I arrived I knew exactly what to do – sit next to the cook and watch like a hawk. Not sure I appreciate their tastes though – they’ve given me bits of cucumber and raw veg which I’ve eaten just to be polite, but not really to my taste, Apparently they’re ‘not fattening’ - as if I care! You didn’t tell me they were vegetarians! And gardening. I’ve surveyed every nook and cranny, paying particular attention to the borders, which can only be fully appreciated by getting right into them. The lawn is useful for speed testing, when I get the urge to race off at top speed – just because I can, but I have to wait ‘till everyone’s busy otherwise they freak!

There’s something strange in the garden though. It’s a wooden box with two things inside that look like stones but smell funny and move slowly – think they’re called tortoises. I spend ages staring and sniffing at them, but to get a really good view I have to stand on their roof and look down, Don’t know why, but when I do that I hear the words ‘Buffy, No’. I also like insects, especially flies. I stalk them. I spend ages just staring at them, gradually creeping up like a cat, but by the time I’m ready to pounce, they fly off.

Getting to know the village (what there is of it) and the walks. I want to go everywhere at top speed but ‘they’ keep slowing me down and making me take little rests. My nose is working overtime taking in all the new smells. And I’ve made a new friend, Archie, the young Cocker Spaniel from next door. He’s great and I can’t wait to see him again!

I keep being told that I’m a good girl because I haven’t had any accidents (well, apart from the small puddle when I first arrived, but I was excited!) or chewed anything. I don’t know what they’re talking about, I wouldn’t do something like that. They must have me confused with another dog.

Sorry, must go now, time for a sleep on the living room rug. (Oh yeah, I’m feeling fine!)

Love and licks to everyone.


New Home

I'm Buffy a Springer Spaniel/Collie cross (they think!)