Thank You

This blog tells the story of Buffy, a rescue dog with a rare heart condition, who lived with us for a year.

Friday 28 May 2010

A Weekend Break

Hey! guess what folks, I've been away for a weekend break! As it happened the weather was fantastic, gloriously sunny and warm but with a pleasant sea breeze so I could stay cool in the shade, it certainly made up for the last time I was away when it rained all the time.
So, I thought you would want to see a few photos of me!

We went to the seaside, as you can see but actually I'm not really very interested in the beach or the sea preferring to stand and watch all of the comings and goings, birds, people or dogs. In view of my condition I think this is probably for the best.

As much as I liked the break I don't want to give the impression that going away is easy for me. I still have to take things very carefully. There are no long walks along the coast path, no frolicking in the sea, no chasing seagulls, just a very slow amble along the sea wall, sometimes resting to catch my breath, sometimes being carried to speed things up a little.

That's all for now except to say that a new dosage of medication seems to be working, generally feeling better. Hope it lasts. Bye.

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