Thank You

This blog tells the story of Buffy, a rescue dog with a rare heart condition, who lived with us for a year.

Friday 16 October 2009

I’m not a morning dog

Resting during an early morning  walk

Resting during an early morning walk

I’ve decided - I’m not a morning dog. The breakfast bit is worth getting out of bed for (full English would be better, but I’m not holding my breath on that one!) but it’s the morning walk I’m not too keen on. I get to the end of the drive, look around and think, no, not today thank you. I know I need to go, but I struggle with my walks so they have to be very slow, with lots of breaks for me to catch my breath and that’s not much fun now the mornings are getting darker. Sometimes I get carried home to make things easier for me because I’m having trouble breathing and my back legs have gone wobbly, but once I’m home I soon recover. I go for another walk in the afternoon and can’t go as far as I’d like, but at least I’m out in the fresh air and I can have a good old sniff around and sometimes bump into the neighbours. I’d like to be able to do the same as other dogs and go for long walks around the fields and chase balls, but can’t so I make the most of other things. I’m fine in the house and garden (as long as I don’t get over excited and end up collapsing!), enjoy quiet fun and games and get loads of fuss and attention, so all in all, life’s pretty good - even with a duff heart!

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